Saturday 17 May 2014

Director Journal Week 11

     This week lecture we had learnt about slug lines, big print, and camera coverage and crew protocol. All these elements are very important to accomplish during pre-production and production. A slug line is unique to the screenplay and states numerous things about a scene. Often called a Master Scene Heading, it occurs at the start of every scene, and is usually made up of three parts. Here are some examples of slug lines that show how all the parts fit together:


            This week, our production are being evaluated and only one person will be represent the whole group to convince our lecture. I'm the one who represented our PSA production evaluation for ART OF FILM DIRECTING. I'm really regret for not answer the questions well due to the lack of knowledge and observation during the production......However,I have try my best and end up only obtained 5 marks out of 10 marks for the evaluation. =(  Not matter how I should accept this and it's necessary to work hard to have better understanding on productions in very detail but not shallow as before.There will be another evaluation on next week by a lecture from UPM.  KEEP IT UP MATES!!

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