Saturday 17 May 2014

Director Journal Week 12: Review-Screening Night 2014

Finally comes to our media department's the most exciting annual event----SCREENING NIGHT~~

There are total 14 productions including our PSA production are being played for non stop which consist different variety of genre such as documentary,horror,public service announcement,short film,commercial and etc. Suddenly realized that I didn't take any picture throughout the productions presentation because I was too concentrated to watch them,ahahaha~ 
Overall, my favorite production will goes to a short film named: Inspector Petonah who directed by Syazwan. It has a good and humor storyline and mature editing skills.Besides,there is another 2 production which has a really good twisted storyline such as Zahirah and After Storm. For Zahirah, this short film begin with the narration of Zahirah's mother who keep praising her daughter achievement but ends up with Zahirah's creepy smile,it seems like indicate something wrong with Zahirah.While After Storm begins with a running bride and being comforted and accompanied by a guy. At first, we thought that guy was the groom but because he appear with a very formal outfit like groom and yet he was trying to comfort the bride and make her smile.In the end, the bride left with another guy.Very good twisted story indeed!
Epilogue is awesome too! The color tone they used throughout the video has successfully convey the retro feel and atmosphere.Besides,a big credits to actor and actress as they did a really great job in this production! But I can't really understand the dialogues because there is no subtitles provided.

Unfortunately,our team didn't get to win any award that night but still really appreciate the hard work,time,effort,cooperation given by our team mate to complete our PSA production!! 
 PSA team ROCKS!

While waiting for the arrival of VIP~

The decoration on the table that night~

Selfie~ haha =P

Cheers~~PSA TEAM~~

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