Saturday 26 April 2014

Movie Review: Kill Bill

Kill Bill Vol. 2 begins with the same segment that opened Vol. 1 and provides the full back story of The Bride's near-death at the hands of her former colleagues. Before that, the pregnant bride rehearsing her wedding in a quaint chapel in Texas. The Bride goes outside for some fresh air and finds Bill.They hold a civil conversation, Bill asking her why she's giving up her old life and The Bride describing how she's found happiness in this simpler life. Bill comes inside with her and she, in attempt to avoid trouble, introduces her former lover as her father. Tommy, the fiancé, asks "Dad" to give The Bride away, and immediately the scene takes a turn. Bill's tone of voice drops just enough to let us know that something's gone horribly wrong, and the director pulls the camera outside the chapel. From here we can know that the how the influence of camera brings our imagination on the next story by pulling the scene very far away.

In the end of the film, Beatrix locked in a bathroom crying until her sobs turn into laughter. Beatrix cries for Bill, whom she still loves in some way, but she laughs because she won and reclaimed her daughter. But in that laugh is a hint of madness, an indication that she will never find normalcy in life and that she and her daughter are in for a potentially rough ride ahead. 

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