Saturday 26 April 2014

Movie Review: Super 8

tvtropes (2013), retrived from

According to TVTropes(2013), the three act structure is a typical narrative structuring template. The idea is that the story is structured so that all of the action falls into one of three acts, with regular plot-points (or reversals) used to bridge each act, and send the narrative into a different direction than it had previously been going.

The First Act is the Setup. It’s the first quarter of the story, and is where the main characters are introduced and the dramatic The film starts with a steel plant in Lillian, Ohio. Elizabeth Lamb has been killed in an accident. Though their family and friends are sad for her husband, Deputy Jackson Lamb , their main concern is Joe Lamb, Elizabeth and Jackson's son. Joe was more attached to his Mom than his Dad, who was never really been there for his son. Joe's friend Charles has been shooting a Super 8 film for a film festival. Charles has rewritten the the story. Arriving home, Joe meets up with his Dad, Joe explains that he wants to help Charles finish his film. As they film the scene of the train thundering past the station. The truck hits the train, causing a massive (and explosive) derailment. The gang runs for cover, and luckily survives.

The Second Act, the Confrontation, is the longest. In this act, Alice is being captured by unknown creature. The next day, Joe and Charles go to pick up the developed Super 8 film, but Charles is rather upset and cryptic towards Joe. As they examine the film, their thoughts become turned when they see parts of a strange creature emerging from one of the wrecked train cars. As they wonder what it was they just saw, air raid sirens begin to go off. They emerge outside to find the town being evacuated, with everyone being asked to report to the local Military base. Joe and friends get back into town and rescue Alice. They first go to the Middle School. Joe assumes that there may be additional information stored in there to find out about the creature and how to possibly defeat it.

The Third Act, the Resolution, is where the story wraps up (Climax). Joe manages to save Alice, however the creature comes up behind them. Joe stands before it, reasoning with it. The creature acts hostile at first, but even in the face of its bizarre appearance, Joe does not react hostile like the previous treatment it has known. Suddenly, a sound is heard deep in the cave near the creature's lair, and it puts Joe down before returning. Everyone watches as the ship ascends into the sky. Alice and Joe finally get to reunion with their father happily.

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