Sunday 2 March 2014

Director Journal Week 2


For this week, we finally had done our synopsis for “Domestic Violence”. The synopsis below is written in Malay:

Seorang wanita duduk di atas kerusi goyang, sebelah mukanya di dalam kegelapan, sebelah pula, terdapat serba sedikit luka. Dia sedang mengimbas kembali apa-apa yang telah berlaku. Gambar sepintas lalu menunjukkan dia dipukul sehingga menyebabkan pasu bunga terjatuh ke atas lantai, bayangan yang menunjukkan dia dipukul oleh tali pinggang, dan gambar tali pinggang yang terkena darahnya. Kembali kepada dia yang sedang duduk di atas kerusi goyang, luka di atas muka dan lehernya seolah-olah telah bertambah. Dia ingin bangun, tapi tangannya telah terikat kepada kerusi tersebut. Akhirnya, menunjukkan telefon gagang yang terjatuh, membawakan mesej untuk mendapatkan bantuan. Selepas semua scene ditayangkan, nombor talian bantuan ditunjukkan supaya memberi harapan  dan seruan kepada orang awam.

On Thursday, we had our first meeting with production crew. We are happy to see that many people attempted to join our crew. We begin our discussion by introduce ourselves and then our main director-Shinno Lim started to explain our concept and synopsis to our production crew.  After that we roughly allocate the task and position such as script writing, shooting script, storyboard, budget control, editing team, technical crew, production manager, and etc. according their ability. However, the job list will be confirmed soon.

We also discuss further on our shooting script.  Most of them tend to give essential ideas/comments/ feedback throughout the discussions. That’s a good start I guess.  Apart from that, we had decided our rehearsal shooting which is on 14/3/2014(Friday), after 3pm. The upcoming actual shooting schedule will be decided as soon as possible. Due to the lack of time, we will continue shooting discussion in detail on next week.

Until now, I really feel that film director is definitely not an easy task, he/she have to guide every single stage of production. Anyhow, I would like to give myself a try to experience this position and I’m looking forward to conduct our project.

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