Friday 7 March 2014

Director Journal Week 3

3 MAC 2014 (MONDAY) / 6 MAC 2014 (THURSDAY)

Our group had a new member again named Augustin, he will be joining us as directing team. Like usual, our main director-Shinno explained our project concept to him and we also discuss further on our shooting script and the sequence of the scenes.  We shares idea to make our concept perfect and the most important is we need some different idea and different perspective of view from guy. Before that, since our group members are mostly female, the idea maybe limited on certain view and not variety enough. Here comes a new guy member might let us have a different perspective of view and opinion. 

On Thursday, we do not have opportunity to have a discussion with our crew because there is presentation session.  Our chief director-Shinno presented and distributed our group concept and idea in front of other group and lecturer so that they understand what we are going to shoot. Besides, our helpful crew had found some of the props that we are going to use such as the vase, flowers, belt and etc. But, the chair not found yet. We will try to look for it these few days because we are going to use it in this coming rehearsal shooting on Friday (14/3).

That’s all for this week, I really hope that our first rehearsal shooting will be runs smoothly, pray for it. =)

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