Sunday 23 March 2014

Director Journal Week 5

17-20 March 2014
For this week lecture, we learnt about the basic type of shots theoretically hope that it’s useful to apply it in our coming actual shooting. Besides, on Thursday meeting session, again we are asked to present our production progress so that other groups can give some suggestion or essential idea to improve our production. Since we had done our rehearsal shooting, we done some part of the editing to show to the others. The outcome not satisfy enough as we expected and we are given some suggestion about the shots by Syazwan (Commercial‘s group leader). Thanks a lot dude!  Rehearsal shooting made us understand what actual problem we are going to face when shooting. We experienced it and we will do it better!

According to our director we will have our real shooting on either 17 or 18 Aprilwill decide it soon after well discuss.

                                    When presentation start.

                                   Our presentation content.

Other director's blog link:


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