Sunday 2 March 2014

Director Journal Week1


This is my first class for The Art of Film Directing and every one of us had been divided into groups for different themes. For our group, the type of film that we got to handle and direct is PSA (Public Service Announcement).  Shinno Lim will be the main director for this project and I with another member-Xi Jia will be the assistants. At first, we do not have any idea on what kind of PSA that is suitable. After being advised by our lecturer, Dr. Azlan, we finally have our own concept. He suggests that we should make something that is easier, achievable with deep awareness. At last, three of us agreed to use “Domestic Violence” as our concept for this PSA project production.

Since our concept has been approved by our lecturer, we start to discuss and roughly come out the content of our project. Our idea will be discuss further next week. We haven’t done much for this week, but we are looking forward to meet our production crew next week. As I know, film director depends on the successful cooperation of many different creative individuals, so hopefully our future crew will do their best for this upcoming production. Besides, we will start to divide our crew into small segments according to their ability.

Generally the responsibility of film director is to direct the making of a film. He or she controls a film's artistic and dramatic aspects, and visualizes the script while guiding the technical crew and actors in the fulfillment of that vision. As a freshman of assistant film director, I will try my very best to carry out all these responsibilities. 

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