Wednesday 26 March 2014

Movie Review: The Dark Skies

1.This film is about the mysterious creatures that follows a young family. As husband and wife Daniel and Lacey Barret witness numerous numbers of disturbing and interruption events involving their family, their safe and home are getting risky. After that they finally find out that their family is being targeted by an unimaginably terrifying creature—Alien named The Gray, Daniel and Lacey take matters in their own hands to solve the mystery of what is after their family.(Movie Fone,2013)

Movie Fone(2013),retrieved from

2. The difference between this film with other science fiction film is this is the combination of genre horror with science fiction. According to, Dark Skies is quite a surprisingly effective sci-fi thriller that relies on thriller suspense rather than special effects to impress audience.

Source:, Retrieved  from

3. The kids are considered a very important prop in this film. Because they are the one targeted by the “aliens” and usually creepy thing always occur on kids. Stewart(2013) noted that too many scary movies used kids as props, so he went for a different approach. He would avoid calling “action” and “cut” to set his young actors at ease, and he often shot their scenes first to make sure their attention spans didn't wane. For the background of the story, they are using the young family that living in suburbs.

Stewart (2013),retrieved from:

Close up
When disturb by the alien

 Medium close up
Walkie-talkie with his brother

 Medium long shot
Get shock.

 Medium shot
When discover unusual sounds

Reverse Angle shot

Sammy disturb by the alien

Long shot
When wake up from noise.

 Extreme long shot
-Beginning of the film

5. I personally not prefer this style of editing, it’s because too many scenes that shown like flashbacks but actually it’s not. This is quite confusing and audience has to think it over and over to realize the plot and the logic of the story. I’m not resist this style I just find it inconvenient to understand, and this is just my personal of view maybe other people might think that it’s kind of art of editing.

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