Sunday 16 March 2014

Director Journal Week 4

10 March-14/15March 2014

For this week lecture, we learn about the budget of film making. Budget control is important to reduce those unnecessary consumptions.  According to our producer/lecturer Dr. Azlan, our production will get roughly RM 500 as the financial support from HEP.  As I mentioned last week, our group will have rehearsal shooting on Friday (14 March 2014).  So on Thursday, we have our group meeting to discuss about the progress of the production and allocate the job so that our rehearsal shooting on the next day will be runs smoothly.

As you can see that everyone are very concentrate when our director, Shinno giving instruction.

So when comes to the rehearsal shooting day, I’m pleased that everyone comes on time and do the set up efficiently


This is our props which can make the fake wounds.

The result of make-up.

 Busying for the set-up.

Adjust the lighting.


Here is the job list of the rehearsal shooting:

Director                : Shinno
Cinematographer/ DP    : Shinno, AND the crew
Lighting                : Augustin
Props                                     : Tiang Ai Li, Murni, Lily, Aiman
Storyboard                         : Liyana, Lela
Make-up                             : Xijia Kuek, Leo Siew Luan
Logs Keeper                        : Sylvia Ng (me)
Budget Control                 : Tiang Ai Li
Actor/Actress (cast)         : Faiz, Ng Siew Wei
Script Writer                        : Jasmine Teh Wee San
Editor                                      : Shinno

Luckily,our rehearsal shootings run quite smoothly and we manage to finish at 7pm. We had shot two version of our production and we will evaluate how the effect and result is.

Other director's blog link:


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